Copywriter, blogger, agency, journalist, entrepreneur... Anyone who writes

Generate & automate your written content creation in seconds with AI

Automatically creates SEO optimized written content from daily web data source. Easy, fast & cost-effective. No inspiration or tech skills required.

SEO and engagement have never been so simple

Stop wasting time delivering quality written content. Generate traffic to your site thanks to your content

Fresh news from web

Our information crosses various safe sources on the web

Make money with affiliation link

add affiliate links to your articles and monetize your content easily

Ask for more from your content

Improve your search ranking

All our content is SEO optimized. Generate traffic on your site and social networks.

Engage your community

Regularly offer attractive content, you encourage the engagement of your community.

Save valuable time

No more wasting time finding inspiration, writing, correcting.

Diversify your content

Create both written articles and videos, giving you diversity in your content. Reach different types of audience. 



Long time to create your written content

write your own time-consuming articles

content not optimized for SEO

Seek inspiration continually



Generate your content on your social networks and blog x30 faster with our AI. Save valuable time

Find easily your inspiration. Thanks to our recommendations based on real-time data from the web

written article content generator

SEO optimized content

Optimized and affordable prices

Don't waste endless time on your content creations. Focus on engaging and growing your community

On average create your contennts up to 30x faster with snackcontents. Now focus on the engagement and growth of your subscribers by offering them relevant content.

How it works ? 


Choose the vertical you want to talk about

We recommend articles written by our Artificial Intelligence on daily current topics according to the verticals you choose: people, crypto, news, food...

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We generate you a brand new article

Our AI generates you a blog article written on the subject of your choice that you can reuse for your blog or other.

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Our AI turns this article into a short video

choose a video duration between : 10, 20, 30sec or 1min. Choose the size of your video : 16:9 ; 4:3... and validate.
Our AI generates a script, a video, a soundtrack and an audio playback of the script in just 1 click.

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Edit and publish

Once the video is generated, you can make changes to it if necessary (add text, images or videos...). Once ready, you just have to validate and download your video.

What our users say about us

Nous avons testé la version bêta de SnackContent et gagnons un temps considérable dans la création de contenu sur les réseaux sociaux grâce à Snack. Là où nous avions auparavant de véritables lacunes pour apporter quotidiennement de nouvelles informations et des contenus engageants, nous postons désormais 2,5 fois plus de contenus qu'avant, ce qui a entraîné une croissance de nos abonnés de +42 % en 3 mois sur nos réseaux.

Anita S.

Community manager en agence presse & influence

Choose your plan

Choose whatsuit you the best with a freeday trial of 7 days



per month


article content generator

10 000 words

Feature : voice to subtitle


Business Creator


per month


article content generator

100 000 words

30 videos

Text-to-speech AI voices

Feature : voice to subtitle

2023 @ snackcontents, All Rights Reserved.

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